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Many erosion control projects call for multiple applications. Can you guess which were used in this installation?

Installation Using Multiple Applications 

Many erosion control projects call for multiple applications. This project is an example of just that. 


Slope Prepared for the Application of HBSA

This slope has been prepared to have Hydraulic Biotic Soil Amendment (HBSA) applied to it. 



Vegetated Slope after HBSA

After Hydraulic Biotic Soil Amendment was applied, the vegetation was readily established.

 TRM reinforces vegetation on a landfill cover

Vegetated Landfill Cap

TRMs were used to help establish and stabilize vegetation on a landfill cap.

 SRFRs used on a golf course for protected wetland

Sediment Retention Devices were installed to protect wetlands that are on a golf course.

Protected wetlands on a golf course
Protected wetlands located on a golf course

Sediment retention fiber rolls were installed near protected wetlands, located on a golf course.

post forest fire a SRFR used to protect water resourcesSRFRs used to protect water resources

Sediment retention fiber rolls were used after a large forest fire to help protect water resources.

HECP sprayed on slope

HECP on a Slope (Before Vegetation Establishment)

HECP Installed on a slope.



HECP on a Slope (After Vegetation Establishment)

The vegetation has been established with the help of HECPs

Biotic Soil Amendment Application

Biotic Soil Amendment (BSA) and Erosion Control Blankets (ECBs) are installed. Biotic Soil Amendments improve the quality of the soil to provide for better vegetation establishment.

SRFR creek

Coir Logs for Shoreline Stabilization

Coir Sediment Retention Fiber Rolls (SRFRs), also known as wattles, in use for shoreline stabilization.


Hydraulic Erosion Control Product (HECP)

HECP being applied to a surface in a new housing development.

Biodegradable RECP on a Floodplain

Excelsior rolled erosion control blanket with environmentally-friendly biodegradable jute netting protecting a floodplain.

Excelsior RECP, Jute Netting, and Biostaples

Excelsior RECP with environmentally-friendly biodegradable jute netting anchored with bio-staples.

Stream Restoration Project

Stream restoration is important in protecting valuable resources. The stream was restored using excelsior rolled erosion control product that is secured with biodegradable jute netting.

Strea Bank Restoration
Stream Restoration

The stream was restored using excelsior rolled erosion control product that is secured with biodegradable jute netting.

Coir RECP Repair of a Streambank
Coir RECP was Used to Repair a Shoreline

A coconut rolled erosion control product (RECP) was used to protect an eroded shoreline. This area of the shoreline was repaired on a previous occasion.


HECP being sprayed with a hose

Biotic Soil Amendment

A Biotic Soil Amendment (BSA) being applied on an installation in Alaska. Biotic Soil Amendment can be applied to the soil to enhance the availability of nutrients.


Erosion Control Blanket

RECP SRFR Installation on Slope

Erosion Control Blanket and Sediment Retention Fiber Rolls (Wattles) to Slow Water Flow.

SRFR Install Across Ditch

Staking a Sediment Retention Fiber Roll (SRFR) Across a Ditch.

Hydraulic Erosion Control Product (HECPs)

HECP Sprayed Near Road

Hydraulic Erosion Control Product Being Sprayed Near a Road


HECP being sprayed with a hose

Hose-Applied HECP

Hydraulic Erosion Control Products can be Sprayed Using a Hose.

Erosion Control Blanket in Snow

TRM Installed in Snow

Turf Reinforcement Mat Installed in Snow.


Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) Installation

TRM Installed

Turf Reinforcement Mat Installation.

Hydraulic Erosion Control Products Used in the Wortham Theater District in Houston, TX after Hurricane Harvey hit.

Post-Hurricane Harvey HECP Installation

Post-HECP installation project.


Hydraulic Erosion Control Products Used in the Wortham Theater District in Houston, TX after Hurricane Harvey hit.

Vegetated HECP Project, Dallas, TX

Erosion Control installation project using HECPs.

   Rolled Erosion Control Blanket (RECP) and Sediment Retention Fiber Rolls (Wattles) are both used in this InstallationRECP / SRFR Slope Installation

Both RECPs and SRFRs were used on this erosion control installation project. Erosion control blankets were installed on the hillside and used sediment retention fiber rolls for slope interruption.

High-Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat Used to Provide long-term slope Stability

HPTRM on Louisana Levee

An HPTRM (high-performance turf reinforcement mat) with percussion-driven earth anchors and pins with washer heads are used to provide slope stability and establish vegetation on a levee.


Excelsior RECP Installation

This installation image features aspen excelsior ECBs and SRFRs for revegetation, erosion control, and sediment control benefits.

High-Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat Used to Provide long-term slope Stability

Louisana Level Stabilized with HP-TRM

An HP-TRM (high-performance turf reinforcement mat) with percussion-driven earth anchors and pins with washer heads are used to provide slope stability and establish vegetation on a levee. HP-TRMs are used to provide long-term slope stability.

HP-TRM Levee - Toe of Slope view

An HPTRM (high-performance turf reinforcement mat) with percussion-driven earth anchors and pins with washer heads are used to provide slope stability and establish vegetation on a levee.